Blog Projects


These are some of my coding projects, developed by myself. Some of them were awarded at the "InfoEducatie" competition, which represents a huge opportunity for me to find time to work on stuff I actually enjoy!

Started in May 2023


Helix is a modern social network for programmers. Users can read and write articles, execute code in 10+ languages, solve practice problems and participate in various coding contests hosted my the community. Helix is a long passion project of mine, I got the opportunity to work on it thanks to the InfoEducatie Contest, where I also got the first place with this project. Website url:


For the frontend I used TypeScript, React, Tailwind, Jotai, Cypress and Storybook. It is served by a NextJS server, which also handles serverless functions.

The backend is mainly composed by serverless functions, hosted on Vercel, but the code execution is done by a separate microservice. It is written in Rust and it uses a custom container technology to run the code.

28-29 July 2023

Remix Maps

This project was developed for the InfoEducatie Hackathon, in 24 hours. The theme was to build a web mapping platform that can find the optimal route between two places, using only free and open source technology, while also taking into account the realtime traffic.


For the Frontend I used Typescript, React, Tailwind and Cypress. It is served to the user from a Remix server, hosted on vercel. I'm using the OpenStreetMap api with LeafletJS for the map data

The Backend is a Python3 Flask server, which serves the realtime traffic information. I found a couple of unsecured cameras, which I'm using the get images of streets. After I get the images, I'm using the YOLOv3 model to detect the number of cars, which I use to compute the realtime traffic in a certain area. This information is sent to the Frontend which uses it to display the best route.